“I Declare that the the peace of God guards my heart and mind and I will not allow anxiety to rule my life. My prayer, my worship and all my requests are presented to God alongside thanksgiving. I will trust Him, because He cares about me. His peace, which passes all understanding, will guard my heart and your mind in and through the anointed one and His anointing.” (Philippians 4:6-7
“I declare that my trust, my reliance and my confidence is on You Lord. I choose to place my times in Your hands.” (Psalm 31:14-15)
“I declare that my hope is fixed on the living God. he is my Saviour, Preserver, Maintainer and Deliverer because I believe in Him, I trust in Him, I rely on Him and I adhere to Him”. (1 Tim 4:10)
“I declare that my body is the temple, the very sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. He lives inside of me. He is a gift from God to me because of my acceptance of the price that Jesus paid for me at Calvary. I do not own my body. I was bought with a price, so I will honour God and I will bring glory to Him.” (1 Cor 6:19,20)
“I declare that the devil has to flee from me because my trust is in the Lord. I will stay close to Him at all times. I will be by His side, and He will be mine.” (James 4:7)
"I declare that I will continually depend on the Lord. No matter what surrounds me, no matter what confronts me, I will call upon the Lord, and he will hear my voice and He will answer me." (Ps 120:1, Ps 18:6; 2 Sam 22:7)
"I declare that healing is for me today. Jesus paid the full price for my sin and sickness and there is nothing more I need to do. I choose to place my trust in Him. ‘He was profaned, defiled, polluted wounded and violated for my rebellion. He was crushed, shattered and broken for my perverse and twisted ways; He was disciplined in my place so that I could remain safe, happy and at peace, and it was by His stripes that I was healed.’” (Isaiah 53:5)
"I declare that my trust is in God and God alone. By His own mouth He has said that He is the one who restores me and brings health and healing to my body. He is my God and He has proven Himself to be faithful, time and time again, so I choose to trust Him today." (Jer 30:17; 1 Thess 5:24)
"I declare that there is no thing, there is no person, and there is no being that is more powerful than Jesus Christ. God himself has highly exalted Jesus and given Him the name which stands with the highest level of authority over and above every other name, be it sickness, disease, principality, or power. It is at the name of Jesus that the knee of every sickness and disease, every principality and every power must bow – without exception. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father, and I walk in that same authority because of Jesus Christ, and because His spirit is alive in me. (Phil 2:9-11; Rom 8:11)
"I declare that I walk free of sickness and disease. Because I worship the Lord God, He takes away sickness from me. His Word is final. I choose to trust in Him with all of my heart. I will not trust in human thinking or reasoning. I will acknowledge Him and trust in His leading for my life” (Ex 23:25; Prov 3:5-6)
Regular declarations of God's Word and His promises for your life, family, career, safety, health and so on, work behind the scenes to change your life and the atmosphere you live in. God's word does not return to him void (Is 55:11), so begin today by Declaring the promises over your life. Archives
April 2019